It's a question you don't ever, ever, ever want to ask yourself. If you do, you will realize that you have wasted hours and hours on something that doesn't even pay you back. Can you really justify it? Do you want to? Doesn't it make you happy? You deserve a break. You work so, so hard. Why is it such a bad thing? Some of it is high quality. Your co-workers expect you to know what happened. Everyone does it. So you have a couple of trashy options. Who doesn't? Who doesn't?
Do YOU watch too much TV?
There is a simple set of questions you can ask yourself to find out. I do warn you though, be prepared for the outcome. It's not going to be pretty.
Question 1: What is the first thing you do when you come home?
If the answer is turn on your TV and check your DVR to see what you can watch while you change out of your work clothes, you might need to rethink that choice.
Question 2: Do you have a printed/written schedule of your shows?
Um.... don't answer that.
Question 3: Do you throw themed parties for big TV events like premieres, finales, or just every Tuesday?
This doesn't look good.
Question 4: Have you cried because your bratty sibling/roommate/spouse/significant other erased/deleted/taped over your show?
::chirp, chirp::
Question 5: Do you dream about the characters on the show, inserting yourself as a character?
Wouldn't life be so much more entertaining though?
Question 6: Do you blow off people when your show is on?
They should know. It's their own fault really.
Depending on your answers, you might decide to reevaluate. Do you really need to waste that time on fictional characters and crazy, absurd plotlines? Do you really need to have your heart broken each week when your couple yet again misses an opportunity? Is it really worth the headache of trying to figure out the mysteries?
Honestly, I think it is.