Wednesday, June 22, 2011

See You In Another Life Brotha'

I come to you today with heavy heart. I was just going to do a blog about shows that have gone on to that Great White TV Heaven in the Sky, one of those shows being the late, great Lost. My freshman year of college, I didn't really know anyone. My RA, Emma, watched Lost too. I used to run down to her room and knock incessantly because I was so excited about what had just happened. A friend of Emma's, Ian Young, would be there and we would sit for hours and discuss and discuss and discuss. Well, I found out today that Ian passed away. I would like to dedicate this blog to Ian and Emma, both of whom need our prayers.

Some shows find a better life after death. Why? Because people get bored and ask their friends what is good to watch, and they wanna watch it right now. Immediacy. And nothing says immediacy like the entire series on DVD, online, or Netflix. Other people come across these shows through TV reruns, or even an impassioned fan who still mourns the loss of weekly entertainment. No shock here that I am one of these fans. TV is a fickle creature and networks are vicious and cruel to us TV watchers, letting us fall in love and then ripping them away. Here are some of my dearly departed shows that I think you should fall in love with, post mortem.

Cowboys. Space Cowboys? Yes please. Joss Whedon's late great Firefly is one of the biggest tragedies of television. Only 11 shows aired out 14 (all can be found on the DVD set) and some out of order. Joss, like his Captain Mal Reynolds (an anti-hero, bitter by his war time experiences and turned smuggler who becomes involved in a conspiracy with his enemy), did not give up so easily. A movie was made, Serenity, and did mildly alright but not enough to further any sort of production. Look for Joss' signature dialogue (Mal: And I never back down from a fight. Inara: Yes, you do! You do all the time! Mal: Well... yeah, but I'm not backing down from this one!), quirky characters, and all around good story telling. "Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

Veronica Mars:
Nancy Drew with sass. Rob Thomas' genius was gritty and witty, with a mystery to boot! 3 seasons with mysteries, family drama (one of TV's best father/daughter relationships), romance (epic romance), and some of the best twists television had never seen coming. Kristen Bell (of Michigan roots) was our feisty heroine before she hit movie star fame. The premise: Veronica's best friend is murdered and Veronica, only allowed to be cool because of her, was relegated back to her place at the bottom of the social ladder. Her father, once the sheriff, was fired and now runs a private investigation office. Veronica finds out the truth and more. Seriously, go watch this show. "They gave me a choice. I could stand by my dad, or stand by Duncan and my dead best friend's family. I chose Dad. It's a decision I live with every day. And you want to know the kicker? I don't even know what's true anymore. Maybe everyone else is right. Maybe Dad screwed up the investigation. Maybe I gave up my circle of friends - my life - over an error in Dad's judgment."

Girl spy who finds out she is working for the people who killed her fiance and goes to work as a double agent for the CIA. Oh, and her dad is a double agent too. Throw in a dash of Rimbaldi mystery, a cup of romance, and just a pinch of betrayal and you have the hit show starring Jennifer Garner. J.J. Abrams first true brain child was a smash hit that fell to the rating executioner. But after 5 seasons of a well-rounded cast, dead relatives being not-so-dead, lots of costumes, another epic romance, and an Emmy, the only regret to have is that you don't have the collector's edition Rimbaldi cube which contains all the seasons plus a hidden compartment with special features. Oh, but I do! "The irony is they never lied to me about what would happen if I told someone. It was the one thing they said that turned out to be true. Now I'm a double agent for the C.I.A. and I will be until SD-6 is gone."

"Guys, where are we?" With that closing line at the end of a pilot, millions were hooked. Plane crashes, people must work together to survive. Seems simple enough. Polar bears, weird smoke monster, giant foot statue, and oh yeah The Others. Still simple? Not even close. But if you stayed on for the ride, it was truly worth the wait to get all (or most) of the answers that the show threw at viewers. Diverse characters, superb writing (just ignore some season 2) and some of the cleverest plot techniques television had yet to see. People who watched the show can't stop talking about it's end a year later and it still begs many questions. 6 seasons of a psychological thriller that pulls you in start to finish. "Live together, or die alone."

These four shows are some of my favorites and I encourage you to jump on the fan trains. I miss them but I know that they are always there waiting for me to put in another disc. As Desmond from Lost tells Jack, "See you in another life, brotha."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Songs to Live and Die By

“Many people die with their music still in them. Too often is it because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.” (One Tree Hill) This blog is dedicated to the music that influences movies and television.

I'm gonna go on a little Glee rant for a little bit. Most people who know me know that I love this show. It is one of my favorites, but not my all time favorite. (There's an idea for a blog. Score.) I love many things about the show but for obvious reasons one of the things I love most about it is the music. I love learning new songs and for the most part I love their take on ones I already know. I was lucky enough to go see them in concert this week. WOW. Just amazing. I felt like I was in an episode. Do you ever have a moment where you know you will remember it forever? I had that moment.

This seems like a really sappy blog and I don't really mean it to be that. I just believe that music is vital to television and movies to convey a message or tone or even to tell you what is happening. There are moments from shows/movies that I can tell you what song is playing because it embedded itself in my mind while watching it, for whatever reason. Peyton and Lucas' theme song is "Heartbeats" by Jose Gonzalez. I can picture the scene with this song whenever I hear it. That's just one example.

I love when the music editors use conflicting music with the images. The scene is a brutal massacre with bullets flying and people dying, but the music is a happy one. The characters are at a funeral and the day is bleak but the music is peppy. These contrasts add an element to the show. If every time the music gets louder when the killer is right behind the victim, it takes the fun out of the kill.

TV/Movies can be a treasure trove of new music that you never knew existed. Soundtracks seem outdated but they are just an old-fashioned mix-tape. And who doesn't love a mix-tape? No one. Everybody loves mix-tapes. You ever met some body and say "You want a mix-tape?" And they say, "Hell no, I don't want no mix-tape?" Mix-tapes are delicious. (What? Name that movie that I just made my quote into!) Some of my favorite artist or songs I found through soundtracks*.

Who can say that they don't know the score to Jaws? I dare you to find someone. You won't be able to. Every girl can identify the score to Titanic. (Not every girl but most.) Jurassic Park and Pirates of the Carribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl has some of the most recognizable music that instantly puts you in the mindset of the movie. Transformers is the same way.

The point of this blog tag teams a point I made in a previous blog about the lack of theme songs. I say bring them back. I miss them. I have nothing else really to add the thought just that it needs to happen. Case in point: Nothing gets me in the mood for Pretty Little Liars or True Blood more than their theme songs.

Do you have a memory that involves music from the movies or television? Do you agree? Do you even notice?

* Kate Voegele, Wakey! Wakey!, Brendan James are smaller artists who could use some new fans! Also Andy Grammar!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Vampires? Oh My.

Creatures that go bump in the night. Sparkly. (No. Just for the record. No.) Souls. (Or the soulless.) An undead human who drinks blood. Vampires. Love them or hate them, they are here to stay in our pop culture. I'm gonna break down four shows/movies that highlight the creatures of the night. (In case you can't tell, I like vamps. Surprise!)

My favorite and in my opinion, one and true mythological source for vampires, comes from the brilliant mind of Joss Whedon. Besides being my personal role model, he is a known throughout the industry as one of the most respected and creative geniuses of our day. Whedon wrote the original script of Buffy the Vampire, the movie, only to leave production because the movie veered drastically from his vision. He took his idea to the small screen instead and the TV show was born, spanning two networks, multiple time-slots, 7 seasons, and a spin-off that also lasted 5 seasons. His vampires can be killed by sunlight, drink human blood, and are the closest to Anne Rice's vampire.

I love Buffy. I love the mythology, I love the characters, I love the stories and parallels Whedon infused into the plot. His dialogue even created such a pop-culture phenomenon that a course was/is taught at a college in California. Scooby-speak was imitated and still is to this day. The main vampires in the show revolve around to evil (sometimes) vampires who were completely different (and have different coloring.) Angel and Spike. Both started off as evil, (they are actually related, in a vampire way. Darla sired Angel. Angel sired Drusilla. Drusilla sired Spike. Got it?) both got their soul back (Angel was cursed with his by a Gyspy tribe, Spike went through trials to get his back), both saved the world and both fell in love with Buffy.

After a while Buffy and her Scooby Gang lost the public and mainstream attention. A couple years ago a new breed of vampires hit the scene and they haven't left, much to the dismay of many. Stephanie Meyer created a love story between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, a vampire. The Twilight Saga was born and I have to say even I was bitten. (Haha.) The story is nothing new, the main character is obnoxious, the vampires sparkle (WHAT?!!?!), and the highly anticipated fourth installment had the most anti-climatic fight scene in the history of the world. (I'm dead serious.) Despite my negative review, there is something about the books that just sucks you in and then its 5 a.m. and you've finished two of the books in 6 hours.

The Cullen clan are different from other vampires, they don't drink human blood. These vampires don't burn in the sun rather they sparkle. They look like models and move with the grace of a dancer. I try to not think about the mythology to much. The movies. Oh, the movies. I am addicted. They are awful. Especially when compared to the books. Still, I have seen every single one at midnight opening night and plan on seeing the final two at midnight, by myself if I have too. I must have been compelled by a vampire to do this but I have no choice.

The next vampire to hit the scene also was adapted from a book series. True Blood is addictive, soapy (in the best possible way), graphic, and violent. Everything a vampire show should be. There's just one problem for me, I hate the main character. Sookie Stackhouse is just plain obnoxious. After getting hooked on the show, I decided to read the first book and I didn't make it past page 3. I blame the TV character on the book character. Again, simple love story. Girl meets vampire. Fall in love and drink each others blood. Girl has powers. Other vampire needs her powers. Said vampires battle for girl. Other plots ensue.

The vampires on the show bleed during the day, their blood is a drug to humans, and when staked they explode. The mythology of the show is still evolving but it's better than sparkling in the sunlight. The thing I love about True Blood is the campy feel of the show. Sure, they rip people's throats out and show you. There are graphic scenes that aren't all together necessary. (Not appropriate for children. At all.) The cast is one of the hottest in business and by hottest I do mean physically. But each episode ends on a cliffhanger. What a way to keep me coming back.

The final and newest addition is based off a book series as well. The Vampire Diaries is a compelling show on the CW. No surprise here but it revolves around two vampire brothers (they are actually brothers who fell for a vampire back in the 1800's who turned them both) who fall in love a girl. This show's vampire mythology is more defined and makes much more sense. They can't go into sunlight unless they have a ring that allows them to live more like humans. They drink blood and have the super human strength.

I think the Buffyverse is the best for vampire mythology because it isn't being adapted from a book. This is coming straight from a man's imagination, which allows it to bend and change as the circumstances call for. Twilight is addictive and so is True Blood. The Vampire Diaries fills the whole Buffy left on television and I couldn't be any happier.

Unless Damon showed up outside my door. Then I might be happier.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

TV Loves Me, TV Loves Me Not

Well folks, it's that time of year again. The end has come and gone and well, it sucked. Yep. It just blew the big one. What am I referring to? TV Season Finale's of course. What did you think I was referring to?

Normally, I get super excited about my shows coming to a close. (Ok, really I am devastated but can I really say that? No. Excited is more socially acceptable.) The finale episodes are always the best or they try to be the best with a huge cliffhanger. Remember Lost fans, the season cliffhangers of 3... and 4.... and 5. (Not. Penny's. Boat.) I digress. This year, I had the same anticipation and TV broke my heart. Even worse than usual.

The main offenders were Grey's Anatomy and Bones. I won't ruin anything for people who haven't seen them yet (Seriously? Get on it. It's been two weeks already.) but let me just tell you about some of my frustrations. I'll start with Grey's Anatomy. I'm sorry, I really hated Meredith's storyline. I don't care that she switched results so that her surrogate father's wife would get into the Alzheimer's trial, that's classic Meredith. I more upset that the writer's felt the need to go there. Is that the only thing you could come up to give her a storyline? What about her conflicting views on her becoming a mother. Yes, they used that one too but I just didn't like it all. The whole Owen/Christina storyline breaks my heart as well. She finally got over Burke (I did too thanks to Owen) and then they throw her into a marriage. Ok. Post-traumatic stress disorder too? I was totally on board, probably one of the few. But her inability to grow as woman with Owen is just not real. Sorry Shonda.

Bones. Oh Bones. It saddens me that this show has fallen. I have been watching since the first episode because of David Boreanaz of Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame. The show had me hooked immediately. I fell in love with the show before I fell in love with Bones and Booth. When their relationship became the focal point of the show, no one could have more excited than I. I lived for the little moments, their chemistry was fantastic. And then, they ruined it. The creator of the show, Hart Hanson, has said multiple times that he didn't want them to go the way of the Moonlighting curse. Fine. Be a better writer, trust your characters to have realistic interactions. Don't take away every character development that has happened over the past 5 seasons and diminish what they actually have. The ending of season 6 still makes my blood boil, it's a cop out and erases what I had been waiting for for 6 years: a true kiss. Thanks a lot Hart. You ruined one of my favorite shows.

The finales weren't all bad. Glee redeemed itself in my eyes, but maybe the anticipation of the concert has more to do with that. The Vampire Diaries was just fantastic all year. No complaints here. Community is still one of the underrated comedies out there and it ended on a great note. Ah, but the best finale was Castle. When I think back on my favorite episodes of television this year, Castle's "Knockout" is in the top five. I beg you, if you aren't watching this show you have 3 months to catch up!!

Farewell, 2011. You were adequate.

Hello Summer 2011!!! I have missed you all!

I know, I know. I am a fickle creature. Sue me. But the time has come! Summer TV is here and oh, how I have missed frothy adventures!

Today is actually the start of summer television. Franklin and Bash kicks off the summer tonight on TNT and I think it will be hilarious. I know everyone has there own tastes and they don't always coincide with mine but I am going to tell you the summer shows I am uber-excited about and you can decide if you want to watch!

Leverage on TNT- A good twist on the spy genre. Intelligent and entertaining. Great cast lead by Timothy Hutton. Returns June 26th at 9 p.m.

White Collar on USA- Another twist on the buddy-cop show. Slick, sly, and humorous with a great cast. Matthew Bomer and Tim DeKay lead the ensemble. Returns June 7th at 9 p.m.

The Glades on A&E- Not just another procedural. Clever scripts and writing keep this cop show above the rest. Australian native Matt Passmore is sure to be famous soon. Returns June 5th at 10 p.m.

Pretty Little Liars on ABCFamily- Ummmmm. Not much to say about this show other than it's only watched 75% of the time to make fun of it and 25% of the time for the chills it provides. Returns June 14th at 8p.m.

The Glee Project on WE- Something to hold Gleeks over til the fall. Starts June 12th at 9 p.m.

Burn Notice on USA- A burned spy trying to straighten his life. I dismissed it at first then quickly had to catch up with this hot summer treat. Plus you learn spy tricks! Returns June 23rd at 9 p.m.

True Blood on HBO- Vampires. Werewolves. Fairies? Oh my indeed. Good acting makes up for this over-indulgent show. Am I hooked? You bet. Returns June 26th at 9 p.m.

Some other new shows worth giving a try:

Falling Skies on TNT, June 19th at 9 p.m.
Combat Hospital on ABC June 21st at 10 p.m.
Suits on USA June 23rd at 10 p.m.
Wilfred on Comedy Central June 23rd at 10 p.m.

Calendar of TV Schedule :

Well, I think that's more than enough for this TV watcher today!