READERS!!!!!!! I'm back!!
I went on a self-imposed writing exile for the last two months. Not really. I just got really lazy. And lost my sense of wit. But I found it!!! I know, you were all deeply concerned. "Is Kate still funny?" "Are there movies out right now? Kate hasn't written about anything in a while." "Should we rescue her from the Bunker?" (That's what those in the inner circle call my viewing room/bedroom. Pretty cool, huh?!) Fear not. I am safe and sound.
During the past months, it's not like I didn't think about writing. Heck, I made some headway on a new script. But I just couldn't think of anything topical to cover weekly. Oh sure, I could have bored you with my opinions on some of Summer TV's finales. I could have detailed my amazing concert with Kelly Clarkson and The Fray and how we met and they signed my first TV script that they inspired. But that just seemed like filler.
What brought me out of solitary, you ask, and why today? Well folks, today is perhaps one of my favorite days of the year, just behind Christmas and my birthday. It's TV premiere week. And yes, I know FOX and NBC premiered some of their shows last week but this is the real deal. All summer long I have been waiting for this day.
Now you better sit down and relax because I'm about to get real deep with you. Lately, my quirks and antics have been under scrutiny. You see, they are not the norm. I recently considered dropping a large sum of money on the Complete Blu-Ray Collection of Harry Potter and was immediately deemed insane and irrational. I was so taken aback by this reaction it caused me to go even deeper into my exile and really think about how I come across to friends and acquaintances.
You know what I discovered? That I don't care. I don't care at all. You may think I am crazy and that I need help but I don't care. I am passionate about something that I love. Do I sit in line for seemingly endless hours to see a movie at midnight that I could easily watch the next day with no line? Absolutely. And I'm not even close to being done with that. Do I own over 500 DVD's, including over 25 seasons of TV? You betcha. And still counting.
Some of you may point out that this isn't that bad but rather its my age that causes concern. I am in mid-20's and am more mature than some adults I know. I will gleefully admit that I am a child at heart and I hope to never lose that sense of wonder and joy about something that means so much to me. I am also professional when the occasion calls for it while bringing that sense of fun to any environment. Some may call me crazy, and I have too, but the word that truly describes me is quirky.
Do normal people get excited about new TV and the return of their favorites shows? Of course. Do they get a box of wine and snacks to celebrate? Probably not. Regardless that is what I will be doing tonight and I will be having more crazy adventures sooner than you think. So if you enjoy my "crazy", please keep coming back for more frivolity. If not, well, I feel sorry for you. You clearly have forgotten about what it is like to truly embrace yourself and just enjoy the ride.
E.E. Cummings once wrote; To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.