Friday, October 12, 2012

Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?

The title of today's blog might lead you to think that I am about to drop some raps but the title is just a rouse to pull in more readers. Gotcha!!!

The real theme of today's post is inspired by a lovely and dear friend (I am not being sarcastic.*) We were discussing characters on TV shows and how I love the ones that are a word that rhymes with witchy. I postulated that I love those witchy characters so much is because in reality I am too nice and wish I could say the things they do or act how they act. My amazing friend** said that she can be witchy. NOTE: I never called her witchy. That just needs to be clear. I said the reason for her comparison might be that we, as viewers, are drawn to our opposites and dislike characters that resemble ourselves. Well, that's would I have said had I not been accused of calling my very pretty friend a witch. But I digress.

So the topic at hand is why we or I rather love characters that are seeming polar opposites. My though process on this is pretty rudimentary: I am what one would call a nice to a fault person. This is a positive as I have lots of friends and have the reputation of being a good person. However, being nice all the time has its downfall. People think they can walk all over you, take advantage, and treat you in a way and expect to get away with it because you are too nice to really come at them. Most of the time I would agree with this description of me. But like the Hulk, I have a secret.... I can get mad.

It comes as shock to people when the wrath of Kate comes down on them, and for good reason since it takes quite a bit to make me truly, completely angry. Yes, I am emotional so my immediate reaction might make it seem like I am mad. But the real, deep anger lies doormat and it takes a great deal for me to unleash it on my unsuspecting victims.

So when I see these characters on TV just unleash vicious comments, snarky comebacks, and evil revenge I get all happy inside. Finally!! Someone is unleashing their inner Hulk and it feels so good to watch! If I can't do it some else can. Do I get an unhealthy amount of satisfaction watching completely lovely and nice characters ripped to shreds with words? Absolutely. Do I care? Not one bit.

If I were to pick one character on TV right now that most embodies me I would honestly have to say Rachel from Glee. I don't say this because I think I can sing anywhere close to her level (I try. Really hard.) but because multiple people have told me that I remind them of her. I love her character and have since the pilot purely because of her no holds barred quest for the spotlight and her ruthless at times ambition. However, Rachel is usually a doormat and lonely and doesn't have the verbal viciousness of some of the characters that I gleefully await seeing each week for their ability to take down their "prey" with a sentence. On occasion both Rachel and I have these witty/snarky comments and we render our enemies speechless. But more often then not we end up singing a sad song in a montage, or in my case my car ride home.

*I'm being a teensy bit sarcastic.
** But she really is  quite lovely. And not a all a witch. Despite what she says.

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