Reader, something strange happened. I received a letter (and that in and of itself if a weird happenstance these days, no?) in the mail earlier this week. The weird thing was that it was from me. From the future.
I know, right? Mind blown.
Allow me to share this time-bending letter to you now:
Dear Kate,
How are you ? Hopefully you are happy and healthy and living the dream!!! (Obviously not because you still aren't married to Zac Efron with a wonderful baby, 2 Emmy statues, or your gorgeous mansion.) I felt a disturbance in the force this week and I thought I might give you some advice to help ease your troubles. What are future-selves for,am I right?
Let's tackle some quick issues: you can go tanning if you want. You will always be illegally pale and if it makes you feel more confident do it. Just use moderation. Also, you can work out if you want, either way you look great. (Zac confirms.)
Now onto the real issues. There are some things that you are worried about right now and I while I am not sure about what revealing the future does to your current timeline, I will try to be as direct as I can.
Life is too short to be wasted on people and problems that can't or won't be fixed. Why waste valuable time on people that just don't want to be apart of your life. You have done a good job of eradicating some problem people and I can assure you that those will get what is coming to them. The other ones that haven't realized their mistake yet will and you will be too busy with your life and successes to even care about them.
Work is work. Always is and always will be. If you enjoy who you work for and with, that's all the really matters. (PS your idea about how you and Zac meet and fall in love? Spot. On.) We both know that we have a hard time letting things that are trivial not bother us. That still hasn't changed. Sorry.
Green is still our color. Work it. Your fashion keeps getting better. And Target continues to make bank off of us. Who's shocked.
I'm sure you want to know some spoilers regarding TV and movies. I would love to tell you them but... I'm actually going to pull a "Kate" and make you wait. You'll thank me. You still get to movies early though and believe me, that is a BIG thing. Don't ever stop.
Basically, you are still awesome. There are tough times coming, but aren't there always? Nothing comes easy and you and I (ha!) know that better than most. Don't give up on your dreams, ever. One of your greatest qualities (Zac says daily there are many. Isn't he the sweetest?!) is your ability to be idealistic as well as seeing the best in people and situations. Nothing should or can change that and that makes you you.
In the meantime, try not to stress out too much. Life is too short and you know that.
"To be nobody-but-yourself--in a world which is doing its
best, night and day, to make you everybody else--means to fight the hardest
battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."
(I'll be seeing you--- Zac)
There it is. It's some solid, if generic, advice. I wanted to share it with you because people generally are facing the same struggles, they just don't know it.
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