Thursday, August 29, 2013

The One Where Everyone Shakes Their Head

It has been said that DVR is the greatest invention of all time. No? That's not the saying? Well in my life it is definitely a top five. (That is probably not even the tiniest bit of an exaggeration.) I would say that in this day in age however it could easily be a top 50 invention amongst the general public.

You all know of my love for a certain TiVo, which may or may not be the reason I'm still single. But what you might not know is that DVR also creates more stress in my life than it should. Some would say that it shouldn't cause any.

Some of you may disagree.

Why? Why would a creation that allows me to record multiple shows at a time be the bane of my existence? Oh, there are reasons. OH HO, there are many!!!!

Reason #1: When you live with more than one person, let alone 3 to 4 at a given time, there will be conflicts. Obviously I believe that my shows take precedence over any other show because I need to keep up new shows to further my craft.

I have given that reason on more than one occasion and I stand by it. My mother doesn't really subscribe to my line of reasoning. There may be more battles over some one's show being missed or not taped in our house than any other fight. And I will fight to the death. Besides, why do you need to tape every show on TLC or TVLand??? WHY????

Reason #2: I may or may not be the person that decides your show has been on the DVR for an adequate amount of time. I find that a clean DVR makes a happy home. Again, I may be the only that feels this way. Let's just say that other people tapings may have disappeared in the night on more than one occasion. And more often than not it goes unnoticed. But sometimes...

Reason #3: As some of you may know I am very particular about certain details. DVR space is one of those things. I have no problem saving an entire season of TV if you actually watch them over again. I do this for a select few series. I also have no problem with saving a particular episode after you've watched it because you know you will go back and rewatch it. I get an unnatural pleasure from deleting more than one recording at a time. I prefer my DVR to be below 50% capacity at all times. In a house of 4, it rarely graces that line. The daily panic I have at our capacity is sad and I should probably see a therapist. Instead I revert to Reason #2. #sorryimnotsorry
Reason #4: .... OK there may only be three reasons. BUT! I believe that they are valid and that I have good points!!! My logic is sound. There is no room for deviation. Why is this so hard to explain and to get people to follow?
In conclusion... I know I have a problem. Quite a few in fact. But if people just let me have this MY life would be easier! Isn't that what everyone wants? Right? Right? Guys???


  1. Hi! I found your blog via Hello Giggles, and I love this post! This was the exact same problem I was having up until a year ago when I decided that I was going to get a small TV and DVR for my bedroom. Now I just have to worry about when I have more than 2 shows on at the same time (because, of course there will be 3 good ones on at like Tuesday at 9 and then nothing on Tuesday at 10...why can't it be more spread out?! lol). Plus, when I shared the DVR downstairs my sister made fun of me for my OCD ways with it (not liking it to be past a certain % full, yet keeping new episodes of certain shows until another new episode airs even though I've already seen the episode and may or may not have time to watch it again, etc.) We need DVRs that can record like 5 shows at once and have huge amounts of space to store things! Do you have a Twitter btw?

  2. Hello!!! Thanks for reading both articles!!! I have a ridiculous obsession with my DVR. I was sick yesterday and was able to clear it out a bit :) I do! It's @iwatch2muchTV13.
