Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Paid Ten Bucks For This Movie and All I Got Was This Empty Box of Popcorn

I am outraged. OUTRAGED. Can you believe they are doing this again? Raising prices? Do they really think we will pay this and not say something about it!!?? No, I am not talking about rising gas prices (although that is getting really irritating, beyond irritating actually) but the ever increasing prices of going to the movies.

While it's not the first thought on many peoples minds, it certainly will be come this summer. On average, most people see a movie a month during the regular year. During the summer however, you will find yourself going more often, especially with the upcoming barrage of sequels, superhero, and general summer movies coming out. ( I think I will outline a Must-Watch list. Excellent idea Kate. Why, thank you!) Some of you might be like me and go about once a week, or more. Believe me when I say you will notice the difference in price. Note: The prices I am about to disclose are relating to AMC 20. Most other big name theaters are around the same however.

In case you don't know the ticket prices, here they are: Monday-Thursday until 3:59 everything is $5. At 4 p.m., they go up to $7.50. Friday-Sunday before noon are also $5 and $7.50 noon to 3:59. Midnight showings and Friday- Sunday at 4 are $10.

This all changed about 5 years ago. Movie attendance was the worst it had ever been and so the price of ticketing went up slowly. The first change was the move to $10 at night whereas it used to be $7.50. Following that change was the ridding of student and kid pricing. Eventually the three time periods were established. The last thing to change was the midnight showing pricing. I remember going to see 'Night at the Museum 2' at midnight thinking it was only going to be $5. We walked up to the window and when she said $10, I walked away. I would not pay that much money to see that movie.

I began a boycott of AMC 20 during their prime hours, only going during the week or the day shifts. However, this was just too hard to maintain. I have since spent more than I should have on movies that don't deserve that $10. However, in the past two years attendance to movies theaters has gone up. However, prices have not gone down. I think this is a poor reflection of our society. However, there is not much we can do about it.

Don't despair, I do have some options for you movie lovers.

1. There are still some cheap theaters, they just aren't showing all the movies you might want to see. Canton Cinema still has student prices and is a really excellent theatre. Phoenix Theatre, formerly AMC 10, has been renovated and does have cheaper prices than AMC 20. The Farmington Civic shows 2 to 3 movies that are about to go to DVD and its under 5 dollars.

2. Only go see movies on the weekends that you are DYING to see. Don't go see the popcorn flick that you think you might enjoy for $10. Save that for a week day. Or go support a movie that you really feel needs the money to help it out. I have done this and I know no one else would think about it but it can help you save some money!

3. Ah the craze of 3-D. It will add about 5 dollars to your total. Think about it. Only go see movies that you have heard 3-D enhances the experience or ones that you actually think it will make a difference. Let me tell you, The Green Hornet was not worth the experience.

4. Once you've already paid for the money, you know what comes next. Those yummy yummy snacks. Delicious pretzels, sugary snacks, ice cold ICEES. Mmmmm. Stop. Go to you local dollar store and buy those same delectable treats for a fraction of the cost. Movie theaters can't say no!

Why am I dedicating today's blog to this? In case you haven't heard, production companies are thinking of selling their movies to cable companies and putting them ON-Demand. Many big wig Hollywood guys are against it. (James Cameron and Todd Phillips of 'Hangover' fame are among the growing opposition.) If you are like me and enjoy experiencing a movie for the first time in a theater then take charge and make going to the movies fun again!

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