Wednesday, April 13, 2011

To Be a Favorite or Not To Be, That Is The Question.

What's your favorite movie? I know, no funny segue or anecdote, just a straight shot today. I ask because most of you are probably thinking of two ways to answer: 1. You have an 'intelligent' movie that you actually like and want to tell people so they think you are a sophisticated movie watcher or 2. you have a movie that is a bit embarrassing and are frantically thinking of any other movie to say. I'll be straight up and tell you mine: Dirty Dancing. I have seen this movie so many times I can quote it front to back. (Ok, I hear all you people saying 'But Kate, you can do that to all LOT of movies.' Shh.) I'll tell you why it's my favorite in a minute but first I want to explain a theory of mine: Favorite vs. Good.

Here it is, my pearls of wisdom: your favorite movie doesn't have to be a good movie!! Are you shocked? I know! Crazy! Here's why. Your favorite movie should be one that makes you smile thinking about it. You should know everything about it. It can be the worst movie in the entire world (cough cough Xanadu) but as long as it entertains you. I hate when people give me a haughty answer when I ask them this question and I know they are lying. Your favorite movie defines you, at least to me. It helps me get an impression of you, especially if this is the first time we have met.

Now a good movie is different than a favorite movie. They have critical acclaim, can be debated amongst people, maybe nominated or have won awards. One of the movies that get's brought up every time I ask for a favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption. I will say that I have never seen it. ( Sorry Dan.) Most people think this is the end all and be all of movies. Maybe it is. But is it really your favorite movie? When too many people tell me its the greatest movie ever and that being a electronic media and film major I am a failure for not seeing, it makes me not want to watch it even more! I am sure it is a great movie. But is it really your favorite?

Now that I am done giving you my theory I will tell you my top 10 list. This list is subject to change.

1. Dirty Dancing- Patrick Swayze. Dancing. Summer love. Great soundtrack. "Nobody puts Baby in a corner."

2. Empire Strikes Back- The best Star Wars of the series. Great score and one-liners. One of the greatest reveals in cinema. "I love you." "I know." (This movie is a good example of a favorite and a good movie, in case you were wondering if it could be both.)

3. The Princess Bride- Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles. "As you wish." (Yes that is a direct quote. I can quote this movie from beginning to end. I was told this is a good achievement.)

4. Shrek- A lovable ogre. Mocking classic fairy tales. A talking donkey. I base all cartoon movies off this one. "You need a tictac or something because your breath STINKS!"

5. Transformers- What's not to love?! Shia (who gives one hell of a performance), robots, one of the best scores, epic footage. " Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your life, don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?" (I know a lot of people who hate this movie but I can watch it on repeat and not love it any less.)

The rest of these are really hard to say which I love more because I love a lot of movies.

Pretty Woman
You've Got Mail
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
Truman Show (another example!)
Musical Movies (Hairspray, Mamma Mia!, HSM's, Sound of Music, RENT, Moulin Rouge, Grease, That Thing You Do....)

I know that's more than 10, but it's my list so....

What's your favorite movie? Do you agree with my theory? Do you agree with my list? Let me know!


  1. Haha, it's funny because two of my favorite movies are in your list: Sound of Music, no one can beat Julie, she is everyhting, and You've Got Mail. Love it! My top three is rounded out though by Gone With the Wind....and that's not just a "smart answer" I absolutely love Rhett Butler, and Clark Gable? Yes, please!

  2. Despite your unwarranted despise of it, my list goes Shawshank (Because it is a great movie, one of the best buddy films of all time and I still cry pretty much every time I watch it. "I guess I just miss my friend"), Footloose (A movie about a boy who just wants to dance in a town that won't let him? Awesome!) and Pulp Fiction (Tarintino at his best, plus an all star cast before they were all super stars? Winner!). Green Street Hooligans, Jurassic Park, The Dark Knight, Despicable Me, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Old School also are thrown in there, in no particular order.

  3. Shelby: Gone with the Wind is a classic for sure. And I can't help but watch You've Got Mail anytime its on TV!

    Dan: Still not sorry about Shawshank. Maybe one day.(read: you will have to tie me down to watch it at this point.) Footloose is a classic up there with the Breakfast Club, love them both. Jurasic Park, Dark Knight are both amazing, just not in my top 10. (which by the way was really hard and kind of blurry because I know I forgot some.) Which leads me to FSM because that is my favorite comedy. I love that movie. Decent list my friend.
